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I have hosted anime events since 2008 in Philadelphia, PA. I started when I used to work for a store that had an anime event but there was no kind of set up. I then began creating my own questions from my nearly 2 decades worth of knowledge. I stayed with that store for almost three years than broke off and began freelancing my talents. I love helping to bring people together who have an interest in Japanese culture. I love hosting and dressing up as, my own little made up characters. I'm now in Boston, MA and I'm enjoying the scenery. So far I've hosted for Boston Comic Con 2012-13 and for Geek Week 2012. Please, read on to see the set up.

Four rounds of trivia that have questions that are related to Japanese culture. A fun variety of genres from Shonen to Bishojou.  Three rounds of assorted trivia questions. 
Each round will have a set time to accommodate the duration of the event line up. After each round, the team(s) with the lowest points will not be allowed to continue.  Tie breakers will be allowed for teams with the same amount of points who wish to proceed to the next round.
*  Th
e contestant with the most points after the allotted time has expired will be become the grand winner of the trivia contest.


*Tie breakers will occur when multiple teams have the same amount of points at the end of a round. 


If you would like for me to host my trivia at your event or convention, you can contact me at:


Twitter: @Isis_Kain

A telephone number can be provided upon request.

Donations are awesome! Especially when they can allow for me to purchase bigger and better prizes for the trivia contest. ^_~


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